Exploring the Hidden Gem: Reflection Canyon is the name of the artwork.

Located in the corners of the Utah, Reflection Canyon is a marvelous place that can be visited by those who want to see one of the most beautiful natural views in the USA. This is one of the most beautiful canyons in the United States situated in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area; it is marked by curves of sandstone and the blue waters of the Lake Powell. However, Reflection Canyon is still not very popular, so it is the ideal place for those who want to be alone and feel the spirit of the mountains.

The Beauty of Reflection Canyon

Reflection Canyon is not only a great viewpoint but also a vivid example of how powerful forces of the Earth shaped the world around us millions of years ago. The canyon is located in the Navajo Sandstone and the walls of which are polished and wave like with rich colors of the desert. When the sun rises and sets, the color that is reflected off the canyon walls also changes and there is always something new to see.

The main attraction of Reflection Canyon is the ability of the walls of sandstone to be reflected perfectly on the surface of the Lake Powell. This reflection gives an illusion of being in another world especially when the light of the sun is rising or setting adding to the beauty of shadows. Many photographers from different parts of the world come to this place in order to take the best picture of this natural phenomenon.

The Journey to Reflection Canyon.

Getting to Reflection Canyon is not a walk in the park and one has to plan well for it. Due to the fact that the area is quite remote and the physical geography is demanding, the only people that can get there are those who are determined to do so. Currently there are no paths that lead directly to the canyon and one has to hike through the desert with the help of GPS and maps.

The hike usually starts at the trailhead by Hole-in-the-Rock Road, which was used by the Mormon pioneers in the 1880s. From here, the hike to Reflection Canyon is about 8-10 miles one way, depending on where the hike starts and where it ends. This trail is rather challenging, there are few trees and no water for the most of the distance so hikers should be prepared for the desert and carry enough water with them.

Although the hike is quite tiring, those who complete it are given a unique feeling of achievement and the opportunity to see one of the most untouched pieces of nature in the United States.

Preparing for the Adventure

Due to the technicality of the hike to Reflection Canyon, precaution is very important when undertaking the activity. Here are some key tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable adventure:Here are some key tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable adventure:

Research and Planning: It is therefore important to take time and understand the route that you are going to take when hiking. Get topographic maps and GPS coordinates and study the ground and possible dangers beforehand. Ensure that there is no bad weather such as storms, very hot or very cold temperatures when hiking.

Physical Fitness: It is recommended that you visit a doctor and be in good health before attempting the hike. The country is rough and the travelling is tiring, and one needs to be strong and fit.

Supplies: It is advisable to carry a lot of water for the entire hike because there are no water sources on the way. Bring snacks that will provide a lot of energy and a first aid kit. Hiking shoes should be worn and suitable clothes for the desert climate should be carried including cap and sunglasses.

Navigation: A good GPS, compass and topographical map should be used while traveling and this should be done frequently. It is also important that one prepares for the situation where he or she gets lost and learn how to get back to the beginning of the trail.

Leave No Trace: Camping skills: to avoid causing any harm to the desert ecosystem, follow Leave No Trace principles. Make sure to pack out all your trash and try not to leave any impact on the land.

The Experience of Reflection Canyon

As hikers arrive the Reflection Canyon they are left dumbfounded with what they are able to see. The curves of the canyon and the colors are even more beautiful when one sees it in real life and the calmness of the place makes it even better. Loneliness and seclusion increase the presence of nature, which enables people to enjoy the beauty and size of this wonderful place.

Some people prefer to pitch their tents near the canyon in order to be in the middle of the nature and to be able to see the beautiful view of the sunrise and the sunset. But one must adhere to the camping rules and regulations and should not litter around to spoil the beauty of the place.

Photographic Opportunities

Reflection Canyon is a photographers paradise; there are so many ways to photograph this beautiful area. The most suitable moments for shooting are in the morning and in the evening when the light is diffused and the hues of the canyon are at their brightest. The sandstone walls are reflected in the water which makes the compositions perfect, especially when the water is still.

Long exposure photography also produces great images and the movement of clouds and the light changes over the canyon are easily captured. Astronomers who love doing night photography will be able to capture star trails and the Milky Way in the clear sky of the desert, which is an extra bonus to the beautiful scenery.

Reflection Canyon and Its Importance

In addition to the aesthetic value of the painting, Reflection Canyon has geological and historical value. The canyon is one of the best examples of the erosional features of the Colorado Plateau and the beautiful banding and grain sizes of Navajo Sandstone. The area also has a cultural background of pre-historic inhabitants of the region who included the Native Americans the evidence of which is seen in the petroglyphs and artifacts found in the area.

The construction of a reservoir called Lake Powell through the damming of the Colorado River has also introduced another level of complication. Reflection Canyon was a dry canyon but is partially filled with water which causes the reflection that is so evident. The natural and the man-made features of the landscape are presented as a complex and a constantly evolving system.

Challenges and Conservation

However, there are threats to the future preservation of Reflection Canyon as more people become aware of its existence and start visiting the area. Desert is very sensitive to human interference and therefore one should take caution when undertaking any activity that is within the desert.

Campaigns are being made to sensitize the public on the need to preserve this natural habitat. Local authorities and organizations are trying to raise awareness of visitors to the area’s importance and measures that should be taken to maintain its beauty in the future.


This is one of the many reasons why Reflection Canyon remains a true masterpiece of the American Southwest. Because of the difficult road to get there, it is a place that only true enthusiasts would go to, but the rewards of visiting the spot are breathtaking and leave visitors with a feeling of the divine.

As you stand at the edge of the Canyon and look at the reflections of the boats and the curves of the sandstone walls you can not help but feel one with nature. The walk to Reflection Canyon is not only a hike but a chance to see first hand a force of nature in its grand and fragile splendor.

If all of us will follow the rules of responsible recreation and contribute to the protection of the environment, then Reflection Canyon can stay beautiful and memorable for the future generations. It does not matter if you have explored the area many times or if you have traveled to the place with the primary intention of taking photos, the experience that one gets while in Reflection Canyon is one that one will never forget as they will cherish it for the rest of their lives.